
WTA completed the Rapid Transit Study – Feasibility in November 2023 (Phase 1). This study reviewed how WTA can improve speed and reliability on key corridors, as well the potential for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). BRT is a premium service that includes increased frequency and features to improve speed and efficiency. The study evaluated and compared two potential BRT lines. The Gold Go Line and a combination of the Green and Blue Go Lines represent the two alternatives. These routes account for a significant portion of the rides already provided by WTA and connect many of Bellingham's residential and employment centers.

The final Phase 1 report is posted under "Documents" on this page.

Phase 2 is currently being worked on and will be completed in 2024/2025. The purpose of Phase 2 is to further shape, refine and confirm the locally preferred alternative (LPA) for rapid transit. A key focus of Phase 2 is conducting outreach to gain input on what rapid transit should look like for the community.

BRT Corridors

BRT Corridors

Findings from the Phase 1 Study

  • Rapid transit is feasible for Bellingham based on land use patterns and potential ridership.
  • The Green plus Blue Go-Line corridor ranks higher than the Gold Go-Line based on a variety of factors.
  • Infrastructure improvements such as queue jumps, transit signal priority and bus lanes are needed to ensure that bus service is reliable and faster than today.
  • A phased approach will begin with providing enhanced service in the next several years and work towards full rapid transit if and when federal funding is awarded. Enhanced service would include more buses per hour, improvements to signal operations, improvements to hot spots, and consolidated bus stops.
Summary of Evaluation
Key Elements of Full Bus Rapid Transit

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