Strategic Shift for WTA

For decades, WTA’s primary mission has been to provide safe, reliable, friendly, and efficient service. We do this extremely well, and we take tremendous pride in it. This will continue to be the foundation of everything we do. Meanwhile, current conditions require a shift in the way we define our value to the community.

WTA Lynden Park and Ride

Recent Cascadia Daily News Article: With fewer riders, WTA seeks new direction

Whatcom County’s transit agency is starting to think outside the bus.

In an effort to remain relevant after more than a decade of declining ridership, Whatcom Transportation Authority may expand its scope to address some of the county’s biggest problems.

The aim is twofold: to benefit the community while adding riders.

Bellingham Station Expansion

Our vision for Bellingham Station is to provide a safe, reliable, and efficient transit hub that supports multimodal transportation. The station will be complemented by robust community and mixed-use spaces that energize and strengthen local businesses, residents, and visitors. The Bellingham Station and surrounding area will help shape the character of downtown and connect people to opportunities and each other by providing a community destination that supports a diverse, vibrant, and friendly neighborhood.